27 May 2023
Turing Secures a Promising Future with AI-Driven Tech Services

PALO ALTO–(FORBES)–Once listed among the most innovative workplace companies alongside renowned names such as Slack, Zoom, and Asana, Turing is revolutionizing the tech hiring landscape. With an innovative approach that melds human potential with AI-driven processes, Turing aims to redefine the tech service sector.

Having recognized the limitations and inefficiencies of traditional tech service firms, Jonathan Siddharth, the founder and CEO of Turing, champions the notion that the AI revolution is the future of digital transformation. He remarks, “Every role is being transformed by AI. Traditional tech services firms weren’t designed for this era. We posed the question: What would an AI-driven Accenture look like?”

A Leap Forward Amidst Pandemic Challenges In the throes of the 2020 pandemic, as remote work surged, Turing astutely secured $32 million in a Series B funding round. The vision? To spearhead the future of IT talent sourcing. Impressively, since its inception in 2018, Turing has built a database that boasts over two million engineers spanning 150 countries, proficient in an array of 100+ engineering skills, including Node, React, Swift, and machine learning, to name a few.

Emphasizing Turing’s uniqueness, Siddharth describes how the platform utilizes AI to match talent with corresponding opportunities seamlessly. Beyond just vetting and matching, Turing has developed Turing GPT, which is designed to amplify the productivity of software engineering teams. Leveraging this robust platform, esteemed clients like Disney, Dell, and Volvo can access Turing’s pre-vetted engineering talent pool for various needs, from staff augmentation to AI advisory services.

Turing’s Expansive Vision and Achievements Originating from Chennai, India, Siddharth’s innovative spirit was evident early on. His first foray into AI research was during his undergraduate years, focusing on neural networks for self-driving cars. Pursuing further research, Siddharth met Vijay Krishan, now the CTO of Turing, at Stanford. Together, they embarked on their first startup, leveraging AI for content recommendation.

Their journey revealed a significant challenge: sourcing top-notch engineering talent. Despite being in Silicon Valley, they found themselves competing with giants like Google and Microsoft for a limited talent pool. This dilemma led them to explore the untapped potential of remote work, partnering with skilled engineers from various parts of the world. This strategic move not only enabled their first startup’s success but also sowed the seeds for Turing’s creation.

Under Siddharth’s leadership, Turing has achieved remarkable growth. With a recent valuation cap of $4 billion, up from a post-valuation of $1.1 billion after their previous funding round, Turing has undoubtedly made its mark. The company has raised a cumulative $144 million, proudly achieving unicorn status. These funds are primarily allocated towards amplifying their AI-driven vetting engine and fostering research and development.

Redefining the Role of Engineers in the AI Era Looking ahead, Siddharth passionately believes in the transformative potential of AI for the tech sector and beyond. Advocating for the integration of computer science and AI education from middle school, he envisions a future where these subjects are as fundamental as traditional core subjects. Given the increasing ROI for software engineers, Siddharth predicts a surge in entrepreneurial ventures leveraging AI-assisted tools.

As the digital landscape evolves, Turing, under Jonathan Siddharth’s vision, is poised at the forefront of this transformation. Their AI-driven approach to tech services presents a promising paradigm shift. The broader enterprise market might still be weighing its options, but Turing is undeniably paving a path that showcases the immense potential of remote engineering teams combined with AI’s power.

Source: Forbes: Turing Wants To Unleash Human Potential Through AI-Powered Tech Services