For Founders
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Discover a smarter, faster way to connect with Frontier Ventures through our AI chatbot, Frontier Ventures GPT. Designed for founders seeking to learn more about Frontier Ventures and our investment process, portfolio, or team, Frontier Ventures GPT offers real-time, AI-powered responses. Simply click the button below, and you will be redirected to OpenAI’s platform to interact with Frontier Ventures GPT. Whether you are exploring investment opportunities, seeking advice, or curious about our AI-focused strategy, Frontier Ventures GPT is your go-to resource for immediate answers. Responses from this AI are not legally binding and should not be interpreted as commitments or endorsements from Frontier Ventures. By using this service, you agree to these terms.

What do we offer?

We build partnerships with talented entrepreneurs, helping them execute their business models. These partnerships are not just limited to equity financing; we can offer all the resources of our team, partners, and investors to turn the ideas of our entrepreneur partners into market-leading companies.

In addition to providing equity financing, we can offer founders the following help in building their businesses:

  • Bring in professional knowledge and specialized expertise from around the world
  • Generate new business opportunities by using our access to various global networks of entrepreneurs and executives in the United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific
  • Help structure domestic and international strategic partnerships
  • Help our portfolio companies raise follow-on financing using our extensive global network of technology investors
  • Use our experience and relationships to organize a successful exit
What do we look for?

We are looking to invest in startups which meet all or most of the following criteria:

  • The business addresses a large multi-billion-dollar total addressable market. This may mean addressing a large existing market or a market which will likely become large in the next 10 years. It is ok to start with a smaller market segment if there is a credible strategy to expand
  • The business has raised Seed or Series A funding but has not yet raised Series B (we can invest in priced rounds, SAFE and convertible notes)
  • The business is primarily focused on serving the United States market
  • The business has actual or potential network effects in its business model. We believe that network effects create strong barriers to entry for competition in technology companies
  • The founding team has relevant experience and respect for investors’ capital
  • We can invest in pre-revenue businesses with strong user growth, engagement and retention
  • We do not in invest in capital-intensive businesses and in the following industries: e-commerce, payments, cybersecurity, gaming, e-sports, advertising technology, hardware (except for non-capital-intensive business models)